Environmental Wellness

Today I would like to look at ways one can improve one’s environmental health while at school or

First, let’s look at what environmental wellness means. Environmental wellness means taking care of
one's environment globally and in your personal surroundings.

I have recently seen a quote by Maryan Hasnaa, “Your home is an extension of your energy field. This is why practices like cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet, and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your mind, body, and spirit”

Let’s look at what we can do to improve our environmental wellness.

  • We can declutter our study spaces and homes. Decluttering our study spaces and homes will not only cause less distractions, it will also help us find our study work and notes more easily. Many times I have met with a student and then only they start looking for their notes or stationery. This often takes up a lot of precious study time.
  • We can clean our home and study spaces.Many times students have reported that they go into spring-cleaning-mode when they procrastinate. If we keep our homes and study spaces clean, this will not be something that can be an excuse we can use when we should be more productive. We would also feel better about the environment we live and study in.
  • We can recycle When we recycle we help protect the environment and the natural resources.
  • We can volunteer to clean up the environment

We can volunteer to clean up our schools or neighbourhoods.

Let us know what you do to improve your environmental health.

Till next time,

Stay safe


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